Software Engineering

How to painlessly deploy your ML models with ZenML

Stefan Nica
Mar 2, 2022
11 Mins Read

Last updated: November 14, 2022.

There is something particularly memorable about that moment of achievement that comes after automating the training of a machine learning model, when everything in the universe just seems to come into alignment. Your training pipeline is properly set up to load new data from relevant sources, it is scheduled to run daily or weekly and more importantly, it automatically re-trains and validates models when necessary. This is a good place to be and you worked hard to get here. It’s time to sit back, enjoy a few moments of well earned bliss and let someone else worry about taking the models to production.


If you are still someone who relates to this story, then you will be surprised to know that this staged approach to ML development is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Machine Learning is moving towards a more streamlined development model, one that combines continuous training together with continuous model deployment to production to achieve faster development cycles and better quality. In this new discipline, production readiness is not something you leave to the last minute, but rather something you consider early on and improve with each iteration.

However good they may be, it is nonetheless understandable why exercising these ideas is difficult. Automating the deployment of models to production brings many challenges that draw in the collaborative efforts of all roles in the Machine Learning team, in particular Data Scientists and ML Engineers:

  • bridging the gap between the flexibility of the experimentation phases and the rigors of deploying and operating models in production
  • ensuring that models meet production requirements and cost constraints
  • dealing with matters related to infrastructure
  • having to use a plethora of tools that not everyone in the ML team is equally accustomed to

Equally important is that best practices like versioning and lineage need to extend well into model deployment and monitoring to ensure that observability and auditing are available for the complete end-to-end journey that both models and data take from experimentation to production.

Helping ML practitioners and organizations overcome these obstacles is precisely what the ZenML framework was created for. ZenML’s main focus has always been facilitating the development of ML pipelines that are portable and reproducible across infrastructure domains and ML tool stacks. Recently, with the 0.6.2 ZenML release, that focus has been extended to also cover the continuous deployment of models to production.

Introducing ZenML Services

If your project only utilizes models for offline batch inference, you don’t have to leave the comfortable confines of the pipeline paradigm: predictions can be precomputed with a batch inference pipeline scheduled to run periodically in production. The inference pipeline loads up the latest model from storage, runs it on a batch of recently collected data and saves the prediction results in an external database or object storage where the application can access them.

Continuous Training Pipeline

Batch Offline Inference Pipeline

However, if your user-facing application relies on real-time predictions made on live data and low latency is critical to ensuring a good user experience, you can no longer afford the overhead of loading models on-demand. In this case, automating the end-to-end ML workflow is not complete without continuously deploying models to some form of model prediction server or service platform.

The online inference use-case introduces a new challenge: managing the life-cycle of multiple model prediction service instances. You also have to keep track of their configuration and state in a way that doesn’t create an operational gap between them and the rest of the ML workflow. Services are a new ZenML core abstract concept introduced in the 0.6.2 release that seamlessly connects pipelines and external runtime environments such as prediction servers and provides a unified view of the different moving pieces that make up the automated ML workflow.

In contrast to pipelines – that use the run-to-completion execution model – a Service is the representation of a long-running standalone process that is uniquely identifiable, has a well-defined operational state and can be provisioned and updated independently of other services and pipelines. A Service usually exposes one or more endpoints (e.g. HTTP, gRPC, etc.) through which it can be accessed by clients remotely to perform various functions. A concrete category of ZenML Services are those used for model serving: TensorFlow Serving servers, MLFlow deployments, KServe’s InferenceService instances and Seldon Core’s SeldonDeployment instances. All these services expose an inference HTTP API endpoint that can be used to generate predictions from input data.

Let’s take a tour of the main improvements that ZenML Services bring to the Machine Learning model development workflow. We’ll use model serving as our example, although ZenML Services are an overarching concept that can be applied generally to any type of long-running service that needs to be involved in the ML life cycle.

Track and Manage Services Continuously through Pipeline Steps

Perhaps the best and most obvious feature that you get out of using Services with ZenML pipelines is that they are automatically tracked and managed by ZenML. This is particularly useful for continuous model deployment, where the complications of provisioning and updating model prediction servers with the latest available models are seamlessly integrated in the familiar pipeline workflow and abstracted away from the user.

Continuous Deployment Pipeline

The MLflow Deployment Service example showcases the first of several concrete ZenML prediction service integrations to follow that take away the burden of managing and maintaining model prediction servers and make implementing continuous deployment a breeze. Here are some relevant sections from that example that capture the experience of building a continuous deployment pipeline:

from zenml.integrations.mlflow.steps import (
from zenml.pipelines import pipeline
from zenml.steps import BaseStepConfig, step


class DeploymentTriggerConfig(BaseStepConfig):
    """Parameters that are used to trigger the deployment"""

    min_accuracy: float

def deployment_trigger(
    accuracy: float,
    config: DeploymentTriggerConfig,
) -> bool:
    """Implements a simple model deployment trigger that looks at the
    input model accuracy and decides if it is good enough to deploy"""

    return accuracy > config.min_accuracy

model_deployer = mlflow_deployer_step(name="model_deployer")


def continuous_deployment_pipeline(
    # Link all the steps artifacts together
    x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = importer()
    x_trained_normed, x_test_normed = normalizer(x_train=x_train, x_test=x_test)
    model = trainer(x_train=x_trained_normed, y_train=y_train)
    accuracy = evaluator(x_test=x_test_normed, y_test=y_test, model=model)
    deployment_decision = deployment_trigger(accuracy=accuracy)
    model_deployment_service = model_deployer(deployment_decision)

Let’s analyze what happens when the continuous deployment pipeline is executed:

  • the first part of the pipeline should be very familiar to you by now: new training data is loaded, processed and a new model is trained and evaluated on it
  • the deployment_trigger step does a simple analysis of the model metrics, the accuracy to be more precise, and decides if the model is fit for deployment
  • the built-in MLflow model_deployer step takes that decision into account and, if the decision is positive, it deploys the newly trained model using a local MLflow deployment server. Moreover, if a deployment server is already running, probably started by one of the previous pipeline runs, this step also updates it automatically to replace the old model version with the new one.

Note how the model deployment Service is returned as an output Artifact by the model_deployer step. This allows it to be passed on to subsequent pipeline steps that may want to interact with the prediction service. The Service is also stored in the Artifact Store as a ZenML Artifact, which brings us to the next topic…

Store Services as Artifacts

from Imgflip Meme Generator

At first sight, this is a bit confusing. Of course, there exist sophisticated technologies that allow “freezing” runtime processes, containers, virtual machines and Millennium Falcon captains and storing their state in a way that can be used later on to revive them and use them again in a different setting, but this isn’t about that.

Freezing ZenML Services refers only to storing their running configuration. Versioning and persisting the configuration of Services in the Artifact Store extends the larger context of model and data versioning and lineage tracking in a way that allows you to easily re-create a model serving runtime environment from a previous state. When a Service object is restored from the Artifact Store, it also automatically attempts to determine the operational state of the external service instance, if it is still running, and the health status of its endpoints. ZenML is even equipped with some utility functions to help with that:

from import load_last_service_from_step

service = load_last_service_from_step(
    running=False, # service doesn't have to be running
if service.is_running:
    uri = service.endpoint.status.uri
    print(f"Service is still running and accepts requests at {uri}")
    print("Service is no longer running. Restarting it...")
    uri = service.endpoint.status.uri
    print(f"Service is running again and accepts requests at {uri}")

Start Locally and Switch to Remote Services Later

ZenML Services allow you to start exploring the continuous model deployment paradigm even in the early experimentation stages of the ML development. The MLflow Deployment Services are implemented as lightweight daemon processes that run locally on your machine, but otherwise exhibit the same general behavior as other model serving platforms that are usually encountered in production.

The decoupling that ZenML makes between Stacks and Artifacts is a convenience that also extends to Services and makes the Service an infrastructure agnostic concept. This means that you can switch between different Stacks without having to make changes to the pipeline code that deploys or interacts with Services directly. It also makes it possible to extract a past Service saved in the Artifact Store during a previous pipeline run and re-deploy it to a different infrastructure domain.

Interact with Services from Pipeline Steps

The ZenML Service abstraction covers the management and tracking of external services, but doesn’t have to stop there. Service implementations may also include client-side utilities that make it easy to interact with the service endpoints from pipeline steps or even outside the pipeline logic. In the case of model serving, the MLflow Deployment Service includes convenient client methods that facilitate sending inference requests to the server without having to worry about low-level communication details such as data serialization or handling HTTP requests and responses.

This pipeline step extracted from the inference pipeline that is part of the MLflow continuous deployment example shows how to use a Service object to send inference requests to an externally running model server without having to worry about low-level details:

def predictor(
    service: MLFlowDeploymentService,
    data: np.ndarray,
) -> Output(predictions=np.ndarray):
    """Run a inference request against a prediction service"""

    prediction = service.predict(data)
    prediction = prediction.argmax(axis=-1)

    return prediction

What next?

The ideas described here are just the overview of a much broader strategy concerning continuous deployment that we want ZenML to support in the future. Keep watching this space for updates on the ZenML project and upcoming features.

The next logical step, one that is already on our roadmap, is to expand the Service concept vertically to include an integration with one of the popular model serving platforms that are usually present in a production setting. This will be one of either Seldon Core or KServe. (Update: As of November 2022, we have already implemented Three more Model Deployment Integrations: Seldon Core, KServe and BentoML)

Developing the Service abstraction horizontally is also a priority, albeit more of a long-term goal. For the model serving case, the Service concept should ideally act as a unified, tool-agnostic model serving interface, entirely independent of the Stack configuration, that allows continuous deployment pipelines to be portable not just across different infrastructure domains, but also across different model serving tools.

If the continuous deployment approach described here is relevant to you or your team, you should also check out the full example that illustrates the MLFlow deployment integration. As always, we welcome your feedback and your questions in our Slack workspace.

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