
Open-source, extensible, and integrated with Popular ML Tools

ZenML comes built in with integrations into the most popular ML tools - so you don't have to figure out how to connect your stack.

50+ Integrations with the most popular cloud and open-source tools

From experiment trackers like MLflow and Weights&Biases to model deployers like Seldon and BentoML, ZenML has integrations for tools across the lifecycle.
Flexibly run workflows across all clouds or orchestrations tools such as Airflow or Kubeflow.
AWS, GCP, and Azure integrations all supported out of the box.
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Avoid getting locked in to a vendor

Avoid tangling up code with tooling libraries that make it hard to transition.
Easily set up multiple MLOps stacks for different teams with different requirements.
Switch between tools and platforms seamlessly.

Extensible across the entire ML pipeline

ZenML is a framework that can be easily extended by creating custom flavors.
Use the ZenML Hub to share common steps across your team.
ZenML is forever open-source and all code is available under a permissible license on GitHub.
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Soufiane Benzaoui

ZenML, thanks to its agnostic nature, helps build a comprehensive MLOps platform and enables the execution of reproducible ML pipelines. Its flexibility and wide range of integrations also make it the ideal choice for companies seeking greater control and flexibility throughout the ML lifecycle while maintaining efficiency.

Soufiane Benzaoui
MLOps Engineer

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No new paradigms - Bring your own tools and infrastructure
No data leaves your servers, we only track metadata
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