Seamlessly Deploy Models to Production with ZenML and BentoML
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Seamlessly Deploy Models to Production with ZenML and BentoML
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Seamlessly Deploy Models to Production with ZenML and BentoML

Simplify your model deployment process by integrating BentoML with ZenML. This powerful combination allows you to package models into production-ready Bentos and serve them locally or in the cloud with ease, streamlining the transition from development to production.

Features with ZenML

  • Streamlined Model Packaging: Effortlessly package trained models into Bentos using ZenML's built-in BentoML steps
  • Local Model Serving: Deploy and serve models locally for development and testing with the BentoML Model Deployer
  • Container-based Model Serving: ZenML’s in-built steps convert your bento into Docker images and automatically push them to your Stack’s Container Registry, from where you can deploy them anywhere.
  • Cloud Deployment Ready: Bentos are versioned and tracked and you can fetch them from ZenML for seamless deployment to various cloud platforms using bentoctl  or yatai .
  • Standardized Deployment Workflow: Establish a consistent and reproducible model deployment process across your organization

Main Features

  • Framework-agnostic model packaging and serving
  • Supports local, cloud, and Kubernetes deployments
  • Easy-to-use Python API for defining prediction services
  • Automatic generation of OpenAPI specifications
  • Built-in monitoring and logging capabilities

How to use ZenML with
zenml model-deployer register bentoml_deployer --flavor=bentoml
zenml stack update -d bentoml_deployer

You first need to define a BentoML Service in a file and define the logic to serve your model there. It could look like the following:

class MNISTService:
    def __init__(self):
        # load model
        self.model = bentoml.pytorch.load_model(MODEL_NAME)

    async def predict_ndarray(
        inp: Annotated[np.ndarray, DType("float32"), Shape((28, 28))]
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        inp = np.expand_dims(inp, (0, 1))
        output_tensor = await self.model(torch.tensor(inp))
        return to_numpy(output_tensor)

You can then define your pipeline as follows:

from zenml import pipeline, step
from zenml.integrations.bentoml.steps import bento_builder_step
from zenml.integrations.bentoml.steps import bentoml_model_deployer_step

def bento_builder_pipeline():
    model = model_training_step()
    bento = bento_builder_step(
        model_name="pytorch_mnist",  # Name of the model
        model_type="pytorch",  # Type of the model (pytorch, tensorflow, sklearn, xgboost..)
        service="",  # Path to the service file within zenml repo
    deployed_model = bentoml_model_deployer_step(
        model_name="pytorch_mnist",  # Name of the model
        port=3001,  # Port to be used by the http server
        deployment_type="container" # the type of deployment, either local or container

This code example demonstrates how to use ZenML's BentoML integration steps within a pipeline. First, the bento_builder_step packages the trained model into a Bento bundle. Then, the bentoml_model_deployer_step deploys the Bento locally or as a container, making it available for serving predictions via an HTTP endpoint.

Additional Resources
BentoML ZenML Documentation
Official BentoML Documentation
BentoML ZenML SDK Docs

Seamlessly Deploy Models to Production with ZenML and BentoML

Simplify your model deployment process by integrating BentoML with ZenML. This powerful combination allows you to package models into production-ready Bentos and serve them locally or in the cloud with ease, streamlining the transition from development to production.

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