Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
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Seamlessly Store your pipeline step outputs with Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
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Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
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Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Seamlessly Store your pipeline step outputs with Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
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Seamlessly Store your pipeline step outputs with Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Integrate Google Cloud Storage (GCS) with ZenML to leverage a scalable and reliable artifact store for your ML workflows. This integration enables you to store and share pipeline artifacts, making it ideal for collaboration, remote execution, and production-grade MLOps.

Features with ZenML

  • Seamlessly store and retrieve ZenML pipeline artifacts using GCS.
  • Share artifacts across teams and enable remote pipeline execution.
  • Scale storage effortlessly to handle production-grade ML workflows.
  • Ensure secure access to artifacts with GCP authentication methods.
  • Easily integrate GCS with other ZenML stack components.

Main Features

  • Scalable and durable object storage for any amount of data
  • Highly available and performant storage infrastructure
  • Secure access control and encryption for data protection
  • Seamless integration with other GCP services and tools
  • Cost-effective storage with flexible pricing options

How to use ZenML with
Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
zenml integration install gcp
zenml stack set ...
from typing_extensions import Annotated

from zenml import pipeline, step
from zenml.client import Client

def my_step(input_dict: dict) -> Annotated[dict, "dict_from_aws_cloud_storage"]:
    output_dict = input_dict.copy()
    output_dict["message"] = "Store this in cloud storage"
    return output_dict

def my_pipeline(input_dict: dict):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_data = {"key": "value"}

		# access the remote file from local code
		data = Client().get_artifact_version(name_id_or_prefix="dict_from_aws_cloud_storage").load()
        "The artifact value you saved in the `my_pipeline` run is:\n "

The example demonstrates how to create and register a GCP stack in ZenML through the dashboard. The registered ZenML stack contains a GCS Artifact Store. This enables seamless storage and retrieval of pipeline artifacts using Google Cloud Storage. For this the stack is set as the active stack. The example python code then implicitely uses the configured Cloud Storage as backend.

Additional Resources
ZenML GCS Artifact Store Documentation
Using Artifact Registry with Google Cloud

Seamlessly Store your pipeline step outputs with Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Integrate Google Cloud Storage (GCS) with ZenML to leverage a scalable and reliable artifact store for your ML workflows. This integration enables you to store and share pipeline artifacts, making it ideal for collaboration, remote execution, and production-grade MLOps.
Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

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